It's Wednesday. Well. There's just a little bit left of the day so I better get tapping right. Can't have too many days of me posting my update a few minutes after midnight for the previous day.
It snowed today, so we spent some time outside this morning playing in the snow. I really need to get to the store to pick up some snow pants. My son really wants me to play in the snow with him and I have a real aversion to being cold and wet. But man, that face when he is enjoying himself and saying "mama, come play" makes me want to roll in that snow with him.
It's time to be thankful!
Action #1 - Be Thankful
Today's challenge question was what scent are you most thankful for this year. Mine, I have to admit, was weird. It's my husband. What? Say it isn't so. What do you do? Just going around sniffing your husband? LOL. No!
But there have been some very distinct times in our lives that have been trying or tragic. In those time, my husband has pulled me close and tells me everything is going to be alright. I love those hugs. They are warm and strong and are full of comfort and assurance. I'm a smeller. I know that's weird, but when I smell something it can bring me such comfort or make me as sick as can be based on my memories. This year, my husband has worked a ton of hours. With the exception of the last month or two he has been gone six days a week and typically works twelve hour shifts. His drive to and from work is thirty to forty minutes so that is roughly thirteen hours a day he is gone. Add to that, the fact that he gets home around 4am and needs to get at least six hours of sleep, it means we get at most four to five hours of him before he leaves again. This includes his prep time to get ready for the day, eating lunch and doing errands that he needs to do. It leaves very little time for us to talk about my bad days or things that are just not right. Sometimes all I get a hug. I don't say a thing. But if I can just get that hug and I can breathe him in. I know that everything is going to be alright. Action #2 - Devotions, Journaling & Prayer
Today's devotional in Embraced, it is all about slowing down to be filled by Him. Lysa talks about how we run forward with the intent of doing His purpose, but forget to fill our own cups by spending time with Him. Friends, this was for me today. This is a continued pattern of mine. Run until I can't run anymore. The funny thing is that I know somewhere in the back of my mind that it isn't even a marathon that I'm doing.
God does have a purpose for my life. There is a work for me to do. There are some great things that are going to happen and doors that are going to open, but I can't walk through them if I don't have the energy. This is exactly what I needed today. Here's a couple of things from the author:
Girl Be Brave was all about accepting yourself for who you are. It isn't that you can't change or strive for better, but stop rejecting yourself. Yet another sermon I needed to hear today. Part of my struggle the last couple of days has been me trying to convince myself that the plans I have set in to motion for 2020 are not possible because I am a hot, unorganized mess. I've been rejecting me. Can I be unorganized? Yes. Can I be a hot mess? Yes. Does it mean I can't get myself together, make progress and fulfill dreams and God's purpose in my life? No.
So say it with me "Tomorrow is a new day and I accept who I am and how God is going to use me today". Action #3 - Exercise
Today, my workout consisted of taking a half hour walk around the yard with my son and doing mini workout sets around the house in between chores. I took it a little easier because my lower back was a little iffy which was kind of my suspicion after yesterday's workout. Tomorrow I'll be back in to the hard core workout, but for now I'm so proud of myself for taking a half hour to dress my son in his snow suit. (a workout in itself) and getting out and moving.
Note: Anything I have italicized is not my own words, but are either paraphrased or directly from a book. I try to make it clear from which book the writing is from, but if you are unsure, please ask. Also, if you click on any links that lead you to Amazon from this page and you then purchase the product that you clicked on I may or may not earn money from your purchase.
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April 2023
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